From: COH - Broadcast Message
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 2:59 PM
Subject: Will you accept the challenge?


Wellness Challenge: Health Assessment

Starting now, the city’s Wellness Connection is issuing you a health assessment challenge: The first department in each of three levels to get 90 percent of eligible employees to take health assessment will be recognized with a “2011 Wellness Challenge” trophy at a City Council public session.  Departments are divided into levels according to size. 

The competition ends July 15, so get started. Winning is simple. Simply get your biometrics screening, and then take the health assessment. The assessment will take about 20 to 25 minutes, but the bragging rights will last all year.


Don’t forget: Employees who do not complete the health assessment by July 31 will be subject to a $25 increase in their monthly medical contributions beginning in October.  



Each city department is challenged to have at least a 90 percent completion rate for eligible-employees. Executive staff should encourage their direct reports to join in the challenge by building a team within their area. Team members can help encourage each other to make biometric screening appointments and complete health assessments.


How It Works:

1.     Gather your screening values (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, blood pressure, height and weight). Employees have several options for obtaining their numbers: They can use screening results that they already have if they are less than six months old, they can schedule an appointment at one of the free CIGNA biometric screenings by calling 800-694-4982 or going online to, or they may choose to schedule an appointment with their physician.

2.     Log onto and click on “Take my health assessment” under the “Manage my health” menu to complete your individual health assessment. 

3.     Wellness Connection will track and report your department’s aggregate weekly participation rates throughout the competition to the executive staff and employee wellness representative of the department.  

For more information about the competition, including which level your department is in, click here. 

 Tools to help you get started:


Schedule your screening today at or call 800-694-4982.



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